Create YouTube videos without Camera or faceless video

                 Faceless Video for YouTube

Faceless youtube video for beginner youtubers

 Are you wondering how to make youtube videos without showing your face yes it is possible and yes it can work on youtube in this article we'll show you how to do it and the best faceless video ideas that you can use to easily create new videos without appearing on camera okay so this is a topic that we get asked about quite a lot and while there are definitely benefits of appearing on camera it's certainly not a requirement and there's plenty of examples of successful faceless YouTubers who use a lot of the ideas that we're covering off in this blog so whether you're camera shy or you're just looking for ways to streamline your video creation this article has everything you'll need now with all of the options we're going to cover you're not just limited to just one in any video you can easily incorporate a mix of a few or all of these into your videos to keep your viewers engaged so I definitely suggest sticking around to the end so that you know what tools you have available so

                                B-Roll Footage 

 Option number one is to capture and record b-roll footage and to use that as your primary video footage in a video like this one that you're watching here now where I am talking to a camera that's typically known as your a-roll your primary footage and your b-roll would be any additional footage to help your viewer understand or to follow along with the video so you don't need to be in your video you don't need to be presenting or speaking in your video you can literally just demonstrate what it is you're doing demonstrate a process show how something is done make something so it could be that you're still filming your entire body it could be that you're filming your hands making something or doing something but essentially here you're filming a process without needing to present or talk to the camera

Screen Recording 

 option number two is to create a screen recording you can easily record your computer screen or your phone screen your iPad or tablet screen and use that to create an engaging video so this one again is going to be great for creating a tutorial or talking through a process literally showing where you're clicking or tapping on your device so that your viewers can follow along this method is also great for creating gaming videos as well literally anything where you can show your phone screen or your computer screen that your viewer can follow along with or be entertained by now in terms of how you create videos, for instance, how you screen record your mac your pc your iPhone or your android device we've youtube video just search "how to create screen recording in PC or mobile"  that will help you with all of those

 Stock Footage

option number three is to use stock footage you don't need to go and film everything yourself there are amazing services out there that offer libraries of content you can download and use to create videos with now there are lots of different stock footage archives out there some of them free( free stock footage) some of them pay some of them worth your time and others you'll want to stay well clear of 

Slide Presentation

 so option number four is to use slide presentations think powerpoint or keynote presentations but to use them as an actual video as well now in terms of creating videos from your powerpoint or keynote presentations both powerpoint and keynote do have the ability to record your presentations and let you save out a movie file with them so it could be that you're creating an entire video just using those programs or you can save those videos out from those applications and then put it into your editing software to add extra graphic elements titles and those sorts of things to create a more engaging video but the best way i found to really level up your slide presentations is to use templates for your slides from places like envato they've got some great templates in there and some of them have some really cool animations and things as well all again to help you create a much more effective video or presentation so you don't need to start from scratch or just use the built-in templates that everybody uses there are some amazing ones you can download install customize up and really create something amazing quick and easily starting with a template from a service like envato 

Text Animation 

option number five is to use text on screen so this could be depending on the video that you might have every single word for word written out as text on screen to match up with a voice over or a narration that you've got or it could be just to bring up key points that you're covering off in your video so this doesn't mean that you need to have a voiceover or a narration there are some really effective videos there's literally just music and text written on screen now in terms of creating these you could manually type everything out word by word and you could do that if it's a relatively short video for longer videos where there's a lot of text i definitely recommend using some sort of auto transcribing service like rev they've got an awesome ai option which is cheap or they've also got a human option where an actual human is going to go through and type out your voice over your narration for you and give you back a text document the human way is definitely more accurate but once you've got that transcript of your voice over or your narration back then you can easily add that text into your editing software either by manually copying and pasting the text or a lot of video editing software now will let you import a subtitle file which rev will give you now in terms of other ways that you can do this there's other desktop applications like dscript and kapwing both of these will automatically transcribe or type out your text for you and they'll also help you customize up your titles and text and change the look and feel of them and save out a video all in the one app another great 

Title Template

option for creating this type of video is to use title templates you can customize up and use animations and things to really create professional-looking titles so this is another one where video hive from Envato really stands out with templates you can download customize up and use in your videos or also place it will actually let you use all of their templates and customize them up there live on the screen so that you can either download a complete video from the place it or you can download it and still use it in your editing application or software as well no matter which way you go creating videos where you do have text on the screen this is a perfect example of where it doesn't just need to be text on screen you might move the text over to the side to help emphasize any key points or to show other things on the screen at the same time 


number six is to use animations so it could be that you're creating a video where you've got those whiteboard drawing style animations or you might even have animated characters like a cartoon and these videos are actually surprisingly much easier than you think to create there's great services like doodly and animaker that make both of those types of videos really really easy for you to create or you can always find an animator on places like fiver and upwork and commissioned them to do the work for you relatively cheaply and again there's some really big channels out there and the videos that they're creating are just animations option number seven is to use animated photos and graphics so these days in most video editing software and apps it's really easy to drop in all of your photos or your graphics to apply some simple effects to add the ken burns effect or a slow zoom in or a slow pan to then easily add some transitions between the different graphics so they flow smoothly and that they create more engagement but there's also some really cool apps and tools out there right now to help you take this to the next level like cap cut for instance it's got this amazing 3d photo effect that you can literally drag and drop onto your clips and it will create a 3d motion effect from your photos so this type of effect used to take a long time to go and build out in software like adobe after effects so it's so awesome that you've now literally got a drag and drop effect in cap cut but also in other video editing apps and tools as well to help you do this really really quickly and the other way that you can create some really amazing videos just from your photos or graphics is again to use templates from video hive and playset there's a ton of awesome templates that you can download you can customize up with your own photos your own graphics your own video files and it's going to tie them all together and it's going to make them look awesome and again if you're not using more professional video editing software then that's where playset will let you customize all of that up upload your own photos and graphics and videos all to their website and build out your template and your video just on their website now both video hive and place it have templates that start under 10 but they've also both got subscription options as well so that's seven different ways you can create videos all without being in them and while all of these options are great and can get you awesome results one thing to note is that showing your face on camera does help you build a rapport and a relationship with your viewers much more effectively as you grow i would definitely encourage you to explore different ways to see if this is an option for you especially if being camera shy is the main reason that you're choosing not to appear on camera i felt the same way when i first started out and honestly it does get much easier over time so now that you know how to create amazing videos without being in them 

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